
Bride & Groom

First, Comes Love

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"The gift of self to each other is like the gift of Christ to the Church." 

Revised Rite of  Marriage 2016

Music & The Sacrament of Marriage

The job of the music director/organist of a church includes guiding engaged couples in choosing beautiful and appropriate music for your wedding.

For Catholics, marriage is a sacrament, a beautiful and holy public sign of giving yourself totally to another person. It is also as public statement about God: the loving union of husband and wife speaks of family values, and also God's values.  Because marriage as performed in a Catholic church, is a sacrament, it affects the music for your special day.

You may already have given much thought to the musical selections for your wedding. Sometimes people have had one, or more, "perfect" songs in mind for years! That is beautiful, but keep in mind that not all songs are appropriate for a church wedding.

The purpose of music within the Mass/service is to help people pray, and lift up their minds and spirits to God. So, even though a song might be beautiful, inspiring, or a perfect expression of your might not be right for a religious ceremony.  Songs that are not suitable for use during the ceremony can always be played at your wedding reception, or..........possibly during the prelude music before your wedding ceremony begins.

Planning Checklist

Congratulations on your engagement!

Your parish will be happy to help you plan your wedding. Your engagement will be a very busy time for you as preparation for your marriage goes into full swing. There will be many decisions to make regarding your wedding - marriage preparation classes, choices about music, scripture readings, who to invite, who will be in your wedding party? Will it be a big wedding?  A small wedding? Etc. Etc.




Ceremony Guide

This is a Diocesan format for a wedding with, or without, Mass. (PDF)